Herbs can grow indoors indefinitely so you can start them any time. Use a fine soil that isn’t too high in nitrogen. Three inch pots are best so the herbs can get well established before you transplant them. Pack the soil in the pots and leave the top half inch empty.

Read the back of the packet to see if they need light to germinate and how long it will take. Also see if they have close spacing like thyme, oregano, and chives or if they need more room like sage, rosemary, and lavender. You can sprinkle 5-10 seeds in each pot for the closely spaced herbs and 2-3 for the larger herbs.

Keep the soil surface moist by spraying daily until the plants are about an inch tall, then water every 3-5 days. You can start harvesting the herbs when they’re about 6 inches tall. Harden them off by placing the pots outside for several days before you transplant them into the ground.

Links to More Information

Your Ultimate Guide to Growing Herbs Indoors https://www.eatingwell.com/article/289996/your-ultimate-guide-to-growing-herbs-indoors/

Herb Spirals https://modernfarmer.com/2020/11/herb-spirals/

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